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Three Star Brand was from 1938-1952/53. This badge
made it to two rivet lug/pop sickle stick snare drums
OH Covington.(courtesy Gary Nelson)
Soo Brand was from 1938-1951. I think this one badge
didn't make it out of Farmingdale NJ. It was use on
their lower end single tension models.
Daisy Brand was from 1938-1952/53. This badge made it
to one rivet lug/pop sickle stick snare drum OH
I forgot where I got this badge from. If you know I would like to give credit. These badges were on Early Rogers Snare Drums
Union Brand was from 1938-1957E catalog (57E only two
snare drums Lexington and Monitor models).
Union Brand badge was used on all three 1953/54 coffin
bolt lug snare drums.
SMALL OVAL Joseph Rogers Jr.& Son-A Rogers
Product-Quality Guaranteed was used from 1938-1952/53
on tom toms. (courtesy Gary Nelson)
Very early badge probably from the 30's
Eagle badges from (54?)1955-1958 (all eagle badges)
but...eagle badges are found in the 1960 and 1962
catalogs as well. 1964 catalog shows eagle badges on
some marching drums too.
The Rogers Champion Badge was used on cocktail outfits and entry-level drums in 1954
1959 Rogers Badge
Large pirate R script 1959-1960 but...1958 (59R
catalog) has the first odd script on the cover logo
design. (courtesy Gary Nelson)
Leaning backwards script 1959-60 but...1962 catalog
shows drums with some older odd scripts also.
(courtesy Gary Nelson)
Regular OH script logo 1961-1968/69 First appeared in
the 1962 catalog and by the 1964 catalog was the only
script logo shown.
(courtesy Gary Nelson)

Flatter script Fullerton CA 1969/70-1975
1975-some drums had both the last flatter script logo
and the new big R square badge on the same snare (courtesy Gary Nelson)

Superten Badge
Superten Badge 2nd version
Dyna-Sonic Badge 1st version
Dyna-Sonic Badge 2nd version
Dyna-Sonic Badge no serial number
Dyna-Sonic Badge
Rogers "Big-R" Badge introduced in 1976 (other version not pictured)
Rogers "Big-R" Badge (RD next to serial number)

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