Step 4 (Removing old finish painted)
Bare Shell
Remove the finish
This drum was painted so you could either use paint stripper like Zip Strip or sand the shell. make sure it is smooth. Clean the shell so it is dust free when you are done.

Step 4A (Removing old finish wrap)
Use a scraper
Remove the old wrap
*Caution: Be careful when using a heat gun, old drum finishes will catch on fire.
Use a scraper on the seam and see if the finish lifts easily, continue unless you have problems. You can also very carefully use a heat gun* to remove the finish. Clean any glue residue with an adhesive remover or sand the shell.

Step 5 (Marking shell and wrap for step 7)
Test the wrap and mark the shell
Use tape to hold the finish in place.
The important part here is to have the finish that over laps on the outside, to end up on a lug line. This way the majority of the seam is under a lug. Once the wrap is lined up mark the shell and wrap so that it will line up later.
You also need to check the under wrap at the seam point so it is less then 2 inches. Put a line directly at the over wrap point and then measure to the end.

Step 5A (Trim excess overlap)
Leave if under 2"
You will have to measure and cut if it is over 2"
Use a square so you get an even line. Cut with the scissors.

Step 6 (Applying the 3m adhesive)
Apply 3M Adhesive
Apply glue to the entire outside shell surface, entire wrap back surface, and 2" (or less) overlap portion of finish side of wrap"
2" or less from edge

*Make sure when you apply the adhesive on the exterior part of the finish that you peel back the clear protective plastic layer. Many finishes come with this protective layer. The glue is easy to remove by rubbing your finger on the excess. Better to go over then under at this point. The adhesive must come in contact with adhesive and this is how it works. Make sure also that the glue is applied along the edges of the finish and the edge of the shell. Take your time and get good coverage. This is very important.

Use a wall as your guide
1. Place the finish against the wall
2. Lower shell while against the wall
3. Remember those pencil marks?
4. Line up those marks
5. Slowly apply the finish around the shell. Make sure the side with the glue on the sparkle side goes down first so the finish goes over it.
No turning back once they contact each other!

This web site is dedicated to the history of vintage drums. Slingerland Drum History, Ludwig Drum History, Rogers Drum History, Leedy Drum History, Gretsch Drum History, Fibes Drum History, Camco Drum History, Premier Drum History, Tama Drum History, Yamaha Drum History, Sonor Drum History, Royal Drum History. There are sections for Serial Numbers, Cleaning Vintage Drums, Vintage Snare Drum Catalog Pages, Vintage Drum Set Catalog Pages, Drum Badges, Drum Finishes, Drum Hardware.

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