Gretsch, Jr., Enters Business With Father Son of Head
of Prominent Musical Merchandise House
Recently Graduated From Cornell University Fred Gretsch,
Jr., oldest son of Fred Gretsch, head of the Fred Gretsch
Mfg. Co., manufac- Fred Gretsch, Jr. turer, importer
and wholesaler of musical merchandise, 60 Broadway,
Brooklyn, N. Y., graduated last month with a bachelor
of arts degree from Cornell University, and has entered
the firm to learn the business. Young Mr. Gretsch, who
is the third Fred Gretsch in the history of this forty-three-year-old
concern, achieved scholastic distinction at Cornell
and promises to make good in business rapidly. While
at the university he was manager of the varsity hockey
team and otherwise prominent in undergraduate activities.
At the present time
Gretsch's father is in Europe visiting the foreign branches
of the company and he is working under the guidance
of Phil Nash, sales manager, and Emerson Strong, advertising
manager. He is already quite well grounded in the fundamentals
of the business for he has spent several Summer vacations
working in the factory and one year he visited the European
musical merchandise centers with his father.
Trade Review - JULY 17, 1926